WHO LQM e-learning modules (free: approximately 3 hours to complete) certificate issued when all 5 are completed. Highly recommended.
1. Documents and records 2. Personnel 3. Purchasing and Inventory 4. Equipment and 5. Facilities and Safety
Information sheets (Fleming Fund Country Grant 2020-22)
- G_10_Info_1_A Introduction to Laboratory QM 12Feb21
- G_10_Info_2_A Physical Containment 2 Standard Requirements12Feb21
- G_10_Info_3_A Laboratory Biosafety 8Oct20
- G_10_Info_4_A Staff Meetings 12Feb21
- G_10_Info_5_A Document Control and Record Management 12Feb21
- G_10_Info_8_A Personal protective equipment 12Feb21
- G_10_Info_09_A Human resources 19Nov21
- G_10_Info_10_A Laboratory-acquired infections 1Sep21
Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation tool
Available here; 4 phases, highly interactive with checklists and many associated guides and documents.