Diagnostic laboratory guides


As per the National LQM, each laboratory is required to prepare and authorise these three initial documents (examples of Mt Hagen/WHPHA documents provided):

  1. A description of the Laboratory’s function and governance including management, tests done, hours of opening and contact numbers as per this Template . Example M_10_LQM_Ap_1_A Mt Hagen laboratory description 20Sep22
  2. An organogram (management structure) of the laboratory and how it relates to the PHA/Hospital management.  For guidance about organisational chart construction, see here  Example: WHPHA Laboratory Organogram May 2022
  3. An authorised list of pathology tests that are provided by the laboratory.   Example:  WHPHA Pathology test list revised February 2021

These documents require local review annually. They should be displayed on the main laboratory noticeboard and shared with local hospital/PHA management and clinicians.

Email copies of the updated approved documents to the office of the Chief Pathologist via chief.pathologistndoh[at]gmail.com. That office is also able to assist laboratories in completing this information including the organisational chart.  Once authorised, these individual documents will be made available on this web page and can be printed for local display/distribution.